Getting started with MetaMask - Metamask® login

THey! Crypto fan. Are you curious aboutthe leading crypto wallet MetaMask and also looking for an instructions guideon how to create an account on its browser extension interface? If yes, thenlet me clarify that this read-below is especially for you. And if you reallywant to explore the features and steps for getting access to the MetaMaskWallet, then take a look at the further sections of this write-up.

In our further content, we will shedlight on some topics such as features of MetaMask, supported networks on it,and steps to download it. In addition, we will also cover one more instructionguide that will help you create a new wallet for MetaMask login in its browserextension interface. 

Features of MetaMask Wallet: 

There are several features that attracta wide range of crypto enthusiasts to create a new wallet for MetaMask login onits extension and mobile app interface. 

·        Beginner-friendlyinterface that makes it easier for new users to navigate through theplatform interface.

·        Self-custodialwallet that lets the user maintain full control over their digital assets andprivate keys.

·        Buy,send, receive, bridge, and swap a wide range of available digital assets.

·        Allowsto earn up to 4.35% rewards by staking ETH and MATIC. 

List of Supported Networks: 

Currently, MetaMask allows its users tointeract with 12 different blockchain networks after their MetaMask login.

·        EthereumMainnet

·        LineaMainnet

·        PolygonMainnet

·        ArbitrumOne

·        AuroraMainnet

·        AvalancheNetwork  

·        BNBSmart Chain  

And more.

Instructions to download MetaMaskExtension and App: 

Follow the given below steps on yourdesktop or mobile device to download MetaMask Extension and App. 

Steps for MetaMask Extension: 

1)     Startby launching your preferred browser in your OS. 

2)     Visitthe official website of the MetaMask platform. 

3)     Clickon “Download”. 

4)     Scrolldown and click on your preferred browsers out of “Chrome”, “Edge”, “Firefox”,“Brave”, and “Opera”. 

5)     Lastly,follow the on-screen prompts to add the MetaMask Wallet in the extensionssection of your web browser.

Steps for MetaMask App: 

1)     Openyour Google Play Store (if you are an Android user) or App Store (if you are aniOS mobile user).

2)     Searchfor MetaMask and then look for the official app in the search results. 

3)     Onceyou found the official app of MetaMask simply tap on it. 

4)     Atlast, tap on “Get” or “Install” and wait for a while to complete the entireprocess. 

Steps to create a new wallet forMetaMask login: (Extension) 

Follow the given below steps to createa new wallet for MetaMask login in its browser extension.

1)     Launchthe MetaMask Extension. 

2)     Agreeto MetaMask's Terms of Use.

3)     Hiton “Create new wallet”. 

4)     Scrolldown through the write-up section and then click on “I agree”. 

5)     Setup a password that you will use for your MetaMask login.

6)     Hiton the “Secure my wallet” option to create a backup for your account viaSRP. 

7)     Writedown each word of the SRP in the same order as shown on your screen and thenverify it by following the on-screen prompts. 

8)     Atlast, follow the on-screen instructions to get access to the interface ofMetaMask Extension. 

Stepsfor MetaMask login:

Followthe given below steps for your MetaMask login.

1)     Inthe first step, launch your MetaMask Extension or App.

2)     Oncethe extension or app is fully loaded, enter your unlock password in therequired field.

3)     Atlast, click or tap on “Unlock” for getting access to your MetaMask login account.

Bottom Line: 

Overall, as an experienced cryptoblogger, I am dedicated to helping newcomers in the crypto market, who areunaware of the leading crypto-related platforms. And as we are at the end ofthis long and descriptive read, I assume that you now understand how to getaccess to the features and benefits of the platform via MetaMask login.